This concept is reified by the word, which is reified by its definition.
reify: verb [with object] formal
Make (something abstract) more concrete or real.
Origin: Mid 19th century: from Latin res, re-'thing' + fy
Rachel Whiteread reified the interior space of a home, making it concrete by casting it in concrete.
I wonder how the abstract ideologies of the CJCLDS are reified in the land I grew up with/in. I wonder how I can reify the abstractions that connect me to my lithic kin. I wonder if the process of reification would help strengthen these connections.
see also: the Church, concrete, home, kin(d), Latter-days, origins / foundations, southwestern Utah, spiritual experience, there / their, Ut(ah/opia), "what is"
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This concept is reified by the word, which is reified by its definition.
reify: verb [with object] formal
Make (something abstract) more concrete or real.
Origin: Mid 19th century: from Latin res, re-'thing' + fy
Rachel Whiteread reified the interior space of a home, making it concrete by casting it in concrete.
I wonder how the abstract ideologies of the CJCLDS are reified in the land I grew up with/in. I wonder how I can reify the abstractions that connect me to my lithic kin. I wonder if the process of reification would help strengthen these connections.
see also: the Church, concrete, home, kin(d), Latter-days, origins / foundations, southwestern Utah, spiritual experience, there / their, Ut(ah/opia), "what is"
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