appropriate / appropriate
When is it appropriate to appropriate from another's culture? The culture I was raise with/in is based on racist, sexist, and human-centric ideologies and practices. And the dominant culture that my originary culture exists with/in has a long history of appropriating bits and pieces of the cultures that they/we colonized. When I am heir to a toxic culture that causes damage to our human and more-than-human kin, is it appropriate to only learn from my own culture? Where am I to turn when my own culture fails to provide the nourishment I need to live a healthy and full life, physically, spiritually, and socially? With these questions in mind I am digging deeper into the history of my own culture to extract bits and pieces from it to create a new arrangement, a collage of ideologies and practices where I can find and share nourishing and healing ways of being. But, then is it appropriate for me to mine from my own culture, when it is no longer the culture I participate with/in--when it is no longer mine?
see also: arrangement, baby and the bathwater, decolonization, ebb / flow, extermination / excommunication, human exceptionalism, inside / outside, kin(d), mine / mine, myth, origins / foundations, remember / memory / memorial, spiritual experience, under / inner, "what is"
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When is it appropriate to appropriate from another's culture? The culture I was raise with/in is based on racist, sexist, and human-centric ideologies and practices. And the dominant culture that my originary culture exists with/in has a long history of appropriating bits and pieces of the cultures that they/we colonized. When I am heir to a toxic culture that causes damage to our human and more-than-human kin, is it appropriate to only learn from my own culture? Where am I to turn when my own culture fails to provide the nourishment I need to live a healthy and full life, physically, spiritually, and socially? With these questions in mind I am digging deeper into the history of my own culture to extract bits and pieces from it to create a new arrangement, a collage of ideologies and practices where I can find and share nourishing and healing ways of being. But, then is it appropriate for me to mine from my own culture, when it is no longer the culture I participate with/in--when it is no longer mine?
see also: arrangement, baby and the bathwater, decolonization, ebb / flow, extermination / excommunication, human exceptionalism, inside / outside, kin(d), mine / mine, myth, origins / foundations, remember / memory / memorial, spiritual experience, under / inner, "what is"
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