embodied / embedded
Abstractions can be reified by making them concrete. This can also be done in a more ephemeral manner through embodiment. I often use embodied practices, as exampled in to be a rock, to viscerally experience my body as embedded with/in the rest of the earth bodies with which I share our collective earth body. When I practice my rockness, I feel more of my own body and the deep history it shares with these lithic creatures.
I plan to continue this practice in coming works by embodying the weights of my settler-colonial history and communicating my understanding of these histories and their formative ideologies through a series of gestures like the ones in cling and pure/white.
see also: appropriate / appropriate, body, clinging, concrete, decolonization, ebb / flow, fake rocks / real rocks, inside / outside, land, myth, reify, remember / memory / memorial, rocks / stones, stable / settled, under / inner, "what is", white out / white supremacy
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Abstractions can be reified by making them concrete. This can also be done in a more ephemeral manner through embodiment. I often use embodied practices, as exampled in to be a rock, to viscerally experience my body as embedded with/in the rest of the earth bodies with which I share our collective earth body. When I practice my rockness, I feel more of my own body and the deep history it shares with these lithic creatures.
I plan to continue this practice in coming works by embodying the weights of my settler-colonial history and communicating my understanding of these histories and their formative ideologies through a series of gestures like the ones in cling and pure/white.
see also: appropriate / appropriate, body, clinging, concrete, decolonization, ebb / flow, fake rocks / real rocks, inside / outside, land, myth, reify, remember / memory / memorial, rocks / stones, stable / settled, under / inner, "what is", white out / white supremacy
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