The concept of groundlessness is unsettling. It is tied to the idea that everything is changing and nothing is permanent--there is no solid ground to hold onto. Pema Chödrön writes, "anyone who stands on the edge of the unknown, fully in the present, without a reference point experiences groundlessness." "By learning to relax with groundlessness, we gradually connect with the mind that knows no fear." Basically, being groundless is accepting that nothing is truly solid and we are only in control of our ability to respond--our responsibility.
I used to put this concept as binary to faith--the certainty in answers to unanswerable questions, but as my friend and colleague, Ranran recently pointed out "groundlessness is the ground... changing itself is the unchange. The uncertainty itself is the certainty." I want my works to hold and share this unsettling experience of being groundless, without reference point, unknown.
see also: appropriate / appropriate, answers / uncertainty, change, decolonization, fluid, noninnocence / risk, problematic, southwestern Utah, spiritual experience, stable / settled, Ut(ah/opia)
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The concept of groundlessness is unsettling. It is tied to the idea that everything is changing and nothing is permanent--there is no solid ground to hold onto. Pema Chödrön writes, "anyone who stands on the edge of the unknown, fully in the present, without a reference point experiences groundlessness." "By learning to relax with groundlessness, we gradually connect with the mind that knows no fear." Basically, being groundless is accepting that nothing is truly solid and we are only in control of our ability to respond--our responsibility.
I used to put this concept as binary to faith--the certainty in answers to unanswerable questions, but as my friend and colleague, Ranran recently pointed out "groundlessness is the ground... changing itself is the unchange. The uncertainty itself is the certainty." I want my works to hold and share this unsettling experience of being groundless, without reference point, unknown.
see also: appropriate / appropriate, answers / uncertainty, change, decolonization, fluid, noninnocence / risk, problematic, southwestern Utah, spiritual experience, stable / settled, Ut(ah/opia)
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